Please wear long sleeved shirt and trousers. Bring wellies. Washing up gloves.
Coffee/Tea and biscuits are provided.
Yes, but for biosecurity reasons, please ensure it is clean.
For biosecurity reasons we only use disposable or washable gloves in our apiaries.
Clean washing up gloves are acceptable.
Vegetable soup, roll and cheese.
Of course if you wish, bring your own lunch.
2025 price list:

Bee Aquaint half day session, 9am till 1pm - £55
Good Beekeeping Practical session, 10am till 4pm - £95
Pest and disease recognition session , 9am till 1pm - £55
National Hive building instruction, 9am till 1pm - £55
Custom courses - please contact us with your requirements.

If your course involves a visit to the apiary and the weather is inclement (cold, wet or windy) we will not be able to open the hives.
If the forecast for the day is clearly going to be bad we will contact you the day before the course. In this situation you will receive a full refund or the opportunity of an alternative date.
If we have to cancel a visit to the apiary during the day of the course, you will receive a 50% refund or the opportunity of an alternative date to visit the apiary.

You may cancel at any time up to the day before the course and will receive a full refund.